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Modding - Printable Version

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Modding - mike - 09-13-2011

This is the new suggestion:

Do away with trade modding. Every argument stems from that and who needs that in a league that is for fun.

Instead go with this:

- Every trade goes through no matter how lopsided.

- If there is an outcry on a trade then GM's PM the commish and the commish only so unless DJ every resigns then you PM him.

- After enough outcry's DJ then looks into the trade. I'd say if more than 7 GM's say it was complete screwjob then it should be looked at.

- If he deems it was a complete and utter screw job there is then punishments to the teams involved. I repeat i mean a real screwjob not just something controversial.

Veteran fleeces newby: Veteran is fined signifcantly to the extent of cash, pick(s) or both. Newby is verablly warned. Cash, pick(s) or both is given to the newby team to compensate and or overcompensate for what happened. If this happens again then the newby is booted and the vet is fined more harshly this time and/or booted aswell.

Veteran to Veteran: No real concerns should stem here unless it is collusion. If it is deemed collusion both teams are forced to draft 29 and 30th or have their picks auctioned off. If it happens again they are both booted. If its not collusion then verablly warn each team and fine if neccassary.

- Open up a mentor program

- Any Gm can volunteer to be mentor as long as they have 5 seasons under their belt here. In that time the GM should have gained a good knowledge on trade value.

- If we see a newby getting screwed then we suggest he ask a mentor for help before trading again. Or anything he wants help in like FA.

Having DJ decide the fines and if he thinks a trade is worth looking into will give at the very least consistency. A mentor program will show newby's that we encourage people to ask for advice. This should all help promote not to fleece eachother in teh first place as if you do, you stand to lose something other than just having a deal veto'd.

RE: Modding - AndyP - 09-13-2011

I find it cute that the person who starts most of the arguments is the one wanting to suggest a system to reduce the arguments.

I said it to you privately but it holds true Mike - the problem is not trade modding. The problem is new GMs that are unwilling to hear what they are doing is wrong and continue to make the same mistakes. Mods help keep those people from hurting the league.

RE: Modding - jhc54 - 09-14-2011

Mike I have already been doing this. I have yet to veto a trade. Also I would have advised Tom not to have done that trade. However after speaking with him he said he wanted to go through with it so it was no longer my place. This really needs to stop.

I like you as a gm and your a good person but your blowing this out of proportion. Don't take this as me as attacking you. I think your a stand up guy, and I'd rather have you in this league than not, but the modding is fine.

RE: Modding - rockybull - 09-14-2011

I don't always agree with the mods, but they have to be in place in a league like this. Obviously, they need to be lenient to a degree since you can't actually sim ahead, so you don't 100% know the true outcome or come close to it. And, I do believe the mods are lenient. There aren't many vetoed deals out there, and the ones they have vetoed, I have no problems with. Mods are here so that new GM's can't come in and make stupid trades that totally destroy the team, then just leaves, and nothing you can do about it, and the mess is already done.

RE: Modding - Hummingbird - 09-14-2011

I think we should keep trade mods. The modding is fine.

RE: Modding - mike - 09-14-2011

thats y i suggested the fines.

RE: Modding - Atlbravesfan27 - 09-14-2011

Like i told you in the xat box, doing away with trade mods is not the answer to your problem.. in fact, trade mods are very necessary and you would be extremely hard pressed to find a league without them these days.. anyhow, you already know what i said about this, i'd like to have you back as a gm, but if trade mods are holding you back from coming back, then i think its time to move on b/c i dont see them being done away with

RE: Modding - GoIrish - 09-14-2011

I don't see a problem with the program we have in place. I think this is being blown out of proportion.


RE: Modding - hokeyrules - 09-14-2011

What if we made a small change to what you suggest.

On a trade that is so bad the league realizes that it is pathetic, we do a league wide vote on whether it should be allowed, and if it is not then, the trade gets vetoed and the person who took advantage of the noob gets fined heavily, as well, if they become a repeat offender, then they lose a 1st round draft pick automatically the following year.

RE: Modding - mike - 09-14-2011

ya that works.