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Getting to know you...
Had this on the old forum but thought we should transfer it here.

I'll start...

My name is Scott, but I also go by Scotty. I am the true kid of mogul at age 14, but I've been playing for over 3 years now, after in December '06 I joined the old Clubhouse Mogul. I live in sunny Fullerton,CA 5 minutes from Anaheim and about 30-45 to L.A, yet I'm the whitest boy you will ever see. HUGE Angels fan. I eat,sleep and breathe Angels baseball. I have been playing baseball for at least 10 years now, and have been an all-star every year possible, which I take a lot of pride in. Looking forward to building a community with all of you.
My name is Thomas, I go by Tommy. I am 17...I've been playing mogul for some time. I live in Kentucky. I like the browns, Indians, and Cavs and the tribe will contend next year or in 2012. Andd I hate Lequitter
The first thing I thought of was the song when I read the thread topic, now it's stuck in my head. Thanks.

I'm Jordan. I'm 19, i'll be 20 in march. I go to Canisius College in buffalo. I'm a Yankees fan, been one for as long as I can remember, I'm also a Redskins and Avalanche fan. Fav. Baseball player is David Eckstein, my fav. Yankees are Swisher & Cano, my fav Avalanche are Brandon Yip and Craig Anderson.

I've been doing mogul for.... 4-5 years about. I think Mogul 2006 was the first one I ever used. I often care more about the general operation of a league, then my team its self - I've tried starting leagues being the sole commish without my own team so that way no one can complain saying the league isn't fair or something. But I think this general operation part of the league has really come out in me with FCM. With FCM i've created and continue to operate the blog, I run the league twitter, I helped scotty put together these forums, I edit the league info on top and make the championship banner each season. I take a lot of pride in this work because I feel extra stuff like this makes for an active league and thats what we have here.

[Image: PittsburghPirates.jpg] GM  2010-2017:  572-724  .441 W%
        Best Year: 2015: 86-76 (3rd NL Cent)
Yankees GM: 2019-2022ish
Name is Thomas, my fam and close friends call me Tommy. Birthday is May 22nd, 1993. I was born in Nassau county, Long Island but since I was 3 months I grew up in all parts of NYC, from Ridgewood and East Elmhurst, Queens to Chelsea, Manhattan and all the way down to Bushwick and, where I'm currently living, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. Graduating High School this year and enlisting into the Air Force in January. I'm of Puerto Rican heritage and I'm a very big Red Sox fan, favorite player is Jon Lester. (I think everyone can realize that the irony of those last 2 facts are pretty obvious). Favorite all-time player is Roberto Clemente (May he rest in piece) and my favorite pitcher of all-time is Pedro Martinez. I love the game of baseball, no other sport like it, but I'm also a big fan of the New York Football Giants, New York Knicks, New Jersey Devils, Miguel Cotto, Michael Phelps and Apolo Onton Ohno. I love listening to Mid-School Rap (Rap era of 1990-2001) and SOME of the new school rap. Best rapper of all-time B.I.G. is my favorite. Sportscenter is the most watched show on my T.V., but I also like watching Family Guy, South Park, Deadliest Warrior, Jersey Shore, and my favorite movie is probably "Forest Gump", although "Saving Private Ryan" comes in close second. I'm an avid Marijuana smoker although I'm quitting this month to get ready for the Air Force. That's pretty much it.....I'm Co-GM of the Baltimore Orioles and looking forward to dominating this division that many label as the Beast of the East.
My name is Adam, I am 21, turning 22 in just over a month. I graduated with a HBA in History and Ancient Classics, and I am now in teachers college. I am Canadian and a huge leafs fan. My other favourite sport teams are Jays, Packers, Raptors, Celtics, Titans and Braves, obviously the Toronto ones are my top teams. I have been in mogul for god knows how long, 7 years? 8 maybe? I use to keep a record of my wins and losses, and in fact I still have it somewhere but I don't even bother updating it. Oh and I will beat Scotty next year.
Hello, my online alias is danpac47. 47 being my birthday - april 7. I'm 20 years old, Asian, and I'm going to school for computer / electrical engineering. Without sports, my life would be different. I love the UFC, the NFL, and the MLB. I have no favorite team in any professional sport because I already know that every team loses, and it's quite stressful to root for your team then see a loss. Oh and I also like to play modern warfare 2 for xbox 360.

As far as my mogul career goes. I started maybe a couple years ago, as far back with hokeyrules. I was in two leagues that i remember called MVP mogul and ALB. For some odd reason, I lost the interest of Baseball Mogul at the time. But now that you can actually set your team lineup in the game and download it to the team file, i found it convenient and decided to start up again. So I found a league called Top Tier on the mogul forums. Then I found this league, FCM. There was no openings so i had to join the wait list. Since I was bored and without a second team, I found another league called TBH. Then someone from TBH told me about another league called OTB. After I joined OTB, FCM opened up - I could have taken the Padres, but i didn't want to be in the NL west, so i took the next available team - the Boston Red Sox. After that, i resigned in OTB after one season. And now i currently stand at 3 leagues.

I don't believe in rebuilding because i'm always looking to compete and I enjoy the financial aspect of the game as much as the game's entirety. I don't necessarily trade as much, but if the offer is to my benefit, then i won't hesitate to pull the trigger. That's about it for now.
Name's Jeff, 33, from Rochester, NY. I work as a page designer and copy editor for a newspaper. Longtime fan of the Toronto Blue Jays, Buffalo Bills, Boston Celtics and Buffalo Sabres. I'm also a fan of boxing, MMA and golf.

I started playing Mogul in 2005 or 2006, I think. Never knew there was forums until I went to purchase the new version of the game ... then jumped in the league as soon as I saw it.
Whats up guys? Im the new GM of the Detroit Tigers. Those of you who know me, i go by burnedstang. I'm 27 yrs old from Atlanta Ga. I am a University of Georgia alum and have worked for the Atlanta Braves for 8 years. The Braves are my life, literally. I have been a braves fan since i was born, Dale Murphy is the one who inspired me to play baseball as a kid and from that point on, i knew i had to do something in baseball. Also a huge fan of the Hawks, Falcons and Thrashers(unfortunately).

I've been playing mogul since the very first version back in 97'-98', back when Mogul had to use fake names for the players. I.E. Chipper Jones was Chupper Janes, Ken Griffey Jr was Ken Gruffey Jr, etc etc.. I've been playing online leagues now for about 5 years.
I am Sean, I am 35 married with 3 daughters. I played college football at University of St. Xavier (Dog LB and was moved to Wham) and I am a sports junkie. I coached football on the varisty HS level until my 1st daughter was born. After she was born, I took a step back and I just break down film now for my friend on the HS level. Once my girls get old enough, I will get back into coaching. It was too rough on me to be at work during the day, leave work, for the practice field, then head to coaching meetings and getting home at 9 at night and my daughter is already asleep in bed. Kids grow up too fast and I did not want to be absent in the process. For work, I am an insurance agent. I work for AAA and run my own book of business.

I go by the handle Go Irish because I am a life long Notre Dame fan. My older brother played at ND under Lou Holtz in the early 90's. I grew up on the South Side of Chicago and I now live in the South West Suburbs of Chicago. So obviously, I am a fan of the Chicago teams (Cubs, Bears, Bulls, Blackhawks). I get out to a couple ND games a year and a few other cubs/bears/bulls/hawks games.
Cubs GM 2010-2021
2017 & 2019 World Champions
LAA GM 2022-2035
2028, 2029, 2032 and 2034 World Champions
My name is David, and my friends/family call me either David or Dave. I'm 27 years old and live in north eastern Kentucky (same city Brandon Webb is from). I have been married for 2 1/2 years and have an 18 month old son named Carson. I've been a lifelong fan of the Bengals, Reds, and Kentucky Wildcats. I was a Bulls fan back when MJ was playing and followed them religiously. After he retired I stopped following it, but have always kept up with the Bulls. Now I follow the Wizards because I'm a huge John Wall fan. I've been playing Mogul for 4 or 5 years or somewhere along there.
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