First Class Mogul

Full Version: Independence Stadium
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Name: Independence Stadium

Location: Upper Darby, PA

LF: 315
LC: 355
CF: 400
RC: 375
RF: 335

Playing Field
Quality: Average
Grass: Medium
Visibility: Average
Foul Ground: Average

Stadium: Open / Natural Grass

Capacity: 75,000
Convenience, Comfort, and Sight Lines: Fair, Fair, Good

Stadium Effects
HR: 107
BA: 100
2B: 88
3B: 93
K: 100
DP: 95
E: 100
Run Factor: 101

Team Cost: 136,312,651

Payment: $50M from bank, 61M from in game
Remaining In-Game Cash: 60M (Although 30M to winterball, so 30M depending on when the cash is taken)
Remaining Owed: 25,312,651

Payments over the next 5 years: 5,062,531
I would like you to take $26 million from my in game cash to pay off my loan.

I have $61 million so I would go to $36 million.
Done, stadium paid off
Convenience Fair to Average - Cost is $26 Million
Comfort Fair to Average - Cost is $26 Million

Take $52 Million from Cash!
Comfort Average to Good Cost is $57 million (Take from in game cash)
Convenience Average to Good Cost is $69 Million (Take from in game cash)
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