First Class Mogul

Full Version: FCM MLB The Show League
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Let's get a Show league going for just us FCMers!

I'd prefer to use the real rosters (whatever the latest Live Update is when we start). I think we just do priority for whatever team you GM and after that go by the date that you joined for the forum for those that don't want their GM'd team.

Below is some other suggestions/ideas for league settings.

World Series Games:
Umpire Accuracy: Average, Personalized, or Perfect

[b]Sliders Changes[/b]

I would stay as Cleveland and here's my suggestion for settings...

Innings: 9
Games/Series: 3 Games
Games/Post-Season: 3 Games
World Series Games: 5 Games
DH: On
Difficulty: All-Star
Umpire Accuracy: Perfect

Sliders Changes
Foul Balls: 3 - You still see plenty of fouls
Solid Hits: 4
SP Stamina: 7 - Stamina seems to go far too rapidly this year
RP Stamina: 6
Fielder Speed: 3 - Every year it seems fielders get to the ball too quickly/make plays they shouldn't. I've noticed some separation in skills.
Fielder Reaction: 3
Baserunner Speed: 4 - Along the same lines as with defense, players moving too fast
Im in

Would Prefer the Pirates, but could take Seattle if someone has a strong objection
I mean I would prefer Toronto
I'll take NYM
guessing this is not happening