First Class Mogul

Full Version: Philadelphia Phillies Off-Season Resignings
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Leon Welton - Arbitration - $3.6 million
Stew Copeland - Free Agency - Release
Paul Witham - Arbitration - $4.2 million
Julio Gajate - Free Agency - Type B Compensation (Third Baseman)
Doug Thorneycroft - Free Agency - Type B Compensation (Left Fielder)
Cory Howe - Arbitration - $2.1 million
Mattheiu Golish - Arbitration - $4.0 million
Mark Henderson - Arbitration - $1.9 million
Brian Methitskaya - Arbitration - $15.3 million
Phillip Smith - Arbitration - $5.8 million
Manon Tolento - Arbitration - $2.0 million
Vaughn McCliverty - Arbitration - Third Year Cap ($20 million)
Josh McGloin - Arbitration - $12.4 million
Mike Womble - Arbitration - $5.2 million
Jim Kaiser - Free Agency - Release
Jake Sharp - Free Agency - Release
Ed Robles - Arbitration - $3.0 million
Britten Wade - Arbitration - $3.5 million