First Class Mogul

Full Version: Atlanta Braves
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Tan Osawa - release

Julio Tambunga - offer 2.5M in arby

Felipe Vera - offer 9M in arby

Erik Rousseau - offer 4M in arby

Bob Slavens - offer 2.4M in arby

Adam Bostwick - offer 9M in arby

Brent Haddington - offer 5.5M in arby

Jose Valentin - offer 3M in arby

Edmund Velde - release

Marcello Gonzalez - release

Bud Lester SP - Type B

Larry Manning - offer 2.5M in arby

Manuel Murguia - offer 7.5M in arby

Neil Filichia - offer 7.5M in arby

Matt Martin - offer 8M in arby

Benito Bonce - offer 2.6M in arby

Ed Guerra - offer 5.6M in arby

Marc Stockhausen - release